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Founded by Kamrava in Southern California, Goal Surfing has the following Mission Statement:

To provide information and development tools for achieving goals

From personal development to collaborations with others on projects, this software enables achieving results. 


Every stage in life, builds and prepares us for the next presentation of our potentiality.
In continued development, the body becomes healthier, the mind more peaceful and the energy level higher, until the focused concentration of all power at a single point, leads to extraordinary freedom.

Goal Surfing provides rapid education, development, and fine tuning of your capabilities. A simple workflow that helps people thrive and transcend limitations. 

Education is about who we really are, where we are and why we are here. Defining important aspects of life that need to be developed and harmonized.

Development is via a simple and easy to use goal setting/achievement system. It helps focus and gather your energy at an Integration Point. The fusion of all that power at one point, yields transformation and realization of your true identity. It is this awakening which grants absolute freedom. 


Kamrava's Background & Qualifications:

  • Attended University of Denver majoring in physics at age 15
  • Started search for absolute freedom at age 18
  • Obtained Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from Utah State University
  • Studied and developed capabilities within three schools of self-knowledge
  • Reached Awakening on August 1st, 2005
  • Worked at top Life Science and Medical Device companies as: Scientist, Biomedical Engineer, Systems Integrator, R&D Manager, Project/Program Manager, Clinical Research Director and Director of Project Management
  • Published Author & Personal Development Guide



Each day, each breath, is an opportunity, to discover infinity. To surf the ocean of life, and turn challenges, into triumphs. Mastery of discipline, is self-mastery, when as far as the eye can see, the ocean is your body! 


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