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In this app:

  • Surfing is a metaphor
  • Waves represent opportunities and you are the "Surfer"
  • Riding a wave symbolizes making the most from your circumstance to achieve a goal

Vision Boards

Goal Surfing logo functions as an interactive visual menu that contains 25 Focus Areas as a standard model utilized for education, goal setting and human development purposes. It is a treasure map that puts all aspects of life (physical, mental and spiritual) in perspective as related to a supreme purpose (Awakening).


You can scan the various aspects of life and mark up to 5 Focus Areas at a time as targets for development or adjustments.


Setting goals for each Focus Area can be achieved through Simple or Advanced options.

Simple goal setting is the tool for straightforward sequence of tasks that need to be completed within a specified time.

Advanced goal setting allows your tasks to have sub-tasks, risks, constraints and mitigations for a goal that requires more thought and a strategy in order for it to be completed.


Vision Boards also includes functionality for Daily Tasks, Dashboard and Miscellaneous Goals.

Daily Tasks allows planning and organizing what you want to accomplish for the day. It can also be filled out for another person or a child, printed and shared so it is clear what needs to be completed as a daily plan of action.

Dashboard displays list of personal goals, goals received/shared with others, a feature called Creative Challenge and connections with others called Board Members.

Miscellaneous Goals is for goals that do not fall under any of the listed Focus Areas in the standard model of Vision Boards. Topics such as Charity, Leadership, Politics and Public Service are good examples.


Contains a listing of goals you set in any of the Focus Areas. Each day, you can review the Calendar to see what tasks or objectives need to be worked on.

Boogie Boards/Rapid Solutions

Are useful outlined and summary information for greater understanding of various topics or issues and how to address them. They can be imported and converted to personal goals.

Share a Goal

If you, a Surfer, would like to share a Personal Goal, it is possible to do that via this feature. Either within the Message Boards/Forum or via email, the goal can be sent to another person.


There is also another option to challenge up to 3 people to do something creative! A single, double or triple template can be filled out outlining what each person needs to do in order to accomplish a common goal. These Creative Challenges are sent via email or to contacts/"Board Members" and are meant to build on their capabilities. Another important way to utilize this feature is to resolve conflicts or address discord by proposing a win/win goal to which parties contribute. It is a visual and systematic way to solve problems by showing how each side is willing to help in order to end a wasteful conflict.


If a Surfer would like to use a blank Goal Surfing logo (triple boards), a Cross-Boards (double) or a Single Board image, and insert personal Focus Areas on them, which in turn contain a series of tasks, these templates are also available for utilization.

Message Boards/Forums

Is a space on which Surfers can post regarding various topics such as goal management, project management, the creative process and human development in general. It is a place to share wisdom and successful strategies for living a better life.

Lessons Learned

Is a space for entering the wisdom gained while reaching a goal so that it can be referred to later on as a collection of valuable lessons. It is also possible to enter good quotes, ideas or insights that come to mind in order to have them recorded for future follow-ups.

Hang Loose/Letting Go of Constraints

Is a repository of 100 commonly held superstitions, fallacies, negative internal dialogue and self imposed boundaries we often unconsciously accept and live with. These reduce our sense of power and freedom. The objective here is to become aware of these (if not known already) and set goals to correct them.


Is the option of engaging in dialogue with a person who has actually traveled the entire path of self-realization, with the aim of accelerating a Surfer's personal development process.


Associated with each of the various Focus Areas, are products and services available for purchase.

Surfer Profile

This feature contains basic information about each Surfer and how they would like to utilize the website.


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