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Why set goals?

Goals help bring about:


  1. Greater focus
  2. A sense of direction
  3. More control over our futures
  4. Clarity for better decision making
  5. Higher resource utilization and leveraging
  6. A means to organize the creative process
  7. Objectivity through application of scientific methods
  8. Greater motivation and sense of personal satisfaction as it triggers the brain’s reward system
  9. Power to do greater things moving forward based on previous accomplishments
  10. Change in the physical structure of the brain as it is further developed and better organized
  11. Going beyond self-imposed boundaries or limitations imprinted on us for generations


Without goals, we are like computers without a program! The mere act of writing down a goal, increases the probability of its completion by 42% (per a study on goal-setting with nearly 270 participants conducted by Psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews of the Dominican University in California).

How is this site different from the other goal management apps?
  1. Goal Surfing was inspired to provide a novel and systematic workflow to empower people transform their lives
  2. It provides critical information not previously divulged to the public at large
  3. It is a fun, creative and effective way to learn Project Management principles
  4. As a comprehensive tool, it covers the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of life in an easy to understand process in order to achieve higher consciousness
  5. It enables scanning every aspect of life to identify where attention is required and mark it for taking corrective action 
  6. Practical features include: goal setting, daily tasks, goals calendar, rapid solutions, goal sharing, challenging up to 3 people to work on a project, lessons learned, 100 personal constraints to eliminate, forums, personal coach and shop.
  7. The app provides access to supporting information, proprietary digital content, artwork and products that can enhance and accelerate the human development process
  8. Since GS is a progressive web app (PWA), it does not require any downloading
  9. It can help make the world a better place by addressing the root causes of many problems. These include how to be less self-centered and how to have better relationships with others.
  10. Goal Surfing is a free service to help people all over the world regardless of their financial situation.
Which principles of Project Management are utilized in this app?
  1. Inputs and Requirements that must be met in order to arrive at Outputs
  2. Tasks and Deliverables (what must be completed or produced)
  3. Schedule (the assignment of due dates for tasks and deliverables)
  4. Resources and Budget ($, energy, ...)
  5. Integration Point (where/when subsystems merge together in order to enable the next higher functionality of the overall system)
  6. Risks and Mitigations (what things can derail the plan and how to account for them)
  7. Constraints and Mitigations (what are the systemic bottlenecks or weaknesses in the way of success and how to correct for them)
What am I supposed to know, think, feel and do by using this product?

Know that your true identity is infinity and it is possible to realize who you really are.

Think about where you are and what you want from life? It is ALL for you! Just need a plan and follow through.

Feel happy and hopeful because your very nature is bliss and all you have to do is be yourself (in the real sense and not as a psychological/social construct). 

Do ride the waves of education and development such that you fulfill your purpose.

Who is the intended user for this software?

Goal Surfing is designed for:

  •   Individuals
  •   Parents & Children
  •   Teachers & Students
  •   Mentors & Mentees
  •   Coaches & Athletes
  •   Executive/Life Coaches & Clients
  •   Parties to a conflict 
  •   Managers & Employees

It is a very powerful tool for initiating communication with another person about any aspect of life and having a guided process to develop and reach goals.

What devices are supported?

iPhone, iPad and Apple computers

Android mobile devices, Tablets and Personal Computers

Is there any cost associated with using this software?

No. Goal Surfing is free though it is possible to support the mission via donation.

How do I download the app?

Goal Surfing is a Progressive Web App (PWA). As such, it does not require any downloading.

Will my data be sold to third parties or is my Credit Card data stored?

No we do not sell your data and no, Goal Surfing does not store credit card information. Any processing is performed by Stripe, a large, reputable, safe and secure internet payment processing company.


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